NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 23 July 2023 – Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Liturgical Colour Green


Prayers + Readings for Sunday 22/23 July from page 309 in the St. Paul Sunday Missal - Masses are streamed live daily via webcam. webcam - Office phone 012845299

Mission Statement - Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, and building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.


Please pray for Brenda Connolly recently deceased, and for Marcus Ingle whose 3rd anniversary occurs around this time.



July 2023 Mass Times and Intentions

Saturday 22 July 2023

10.00 a.m. - Celebrant’s intention

5.00 p.m. – Richard (Dick) Brennan – month’s mind

Tom Fitzpatrick- r.i.p. Birthday remembrance

Dick Brennan- recently deceased

Catherine O’Shea- recently deceased

Sunday 23 July 2023

9.00 a.m. – Tony O’Neill- r.i.p.

10.30 a.m.- Dick Brennan- recently deceased

Gerard Tiernan- recently deceased

12.00 noon – Noel Massey- anniversary

James Noctor- month’s mind

Monday 24 July 2023

10.00 a.m. – Get Well Mass Bouquet

John Kerrigan- recently deceased


Tuesday 25 July 2023

10.00 a.m. – Martina Leigh- 2nd anniversary

Special intention (for the residents Carriglea Gardens)

Wednesday –26 July 2023

10.00 a.m. – Parishioners’ intentions (16 July 2023)

Thursday – 27 July 2023

10.00 a.m. – Parishioners’ intentions (23 July 2023)

Friday -28 July 2023

10.00 a.m. – Seamus & Patsy Rossiter – anniversary

Special intention

Special intention (health)

Parish shop is usually open on Sunday after 9.00 a.m. & 10.30 a.m. Masses



“His mercy is from age to age” (Luke 1:50) is the theme chosen by the Holy Father for the third World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly and for the Message, that bears the date of the Feast of the Visitation. This year’s celebration dedicated to grandparents and the elderly will take place this Sunday, July 23, just days before the start of World Youth Day in Lisbon.

The National Grandparents’ Pilgrimage at Knock on Sunday, July 23. All are welcome for this wonderful celebration The homilist will be Bishop Denis Nulty, .Music will be by the combined choirs of Knock Shrine who will be joined by Dana for ‘Lady of Knock’ and her new hymn ‘Light the Flame’. see


Church Collections 1 Jan 2023 – 30 Jun 2023

First Collection (Priests) from 1 Jan – 30 Jun €31,110

Second Collection (Share) from 1 Jan – 30 Jun €19,930

Special Collections – Accord €1,433 Turkey/Syria Earthquake €5,635 Lay Ministry €1,150 Holy Land €620

Blue Box Church Fund VFO € 27,381 + Donations for Heating/ repairs €5,385 Figures are provisional subject to audit. Thank you for your generosity.


Repairs & Maintenance -A door & windows in the sacristy corridor have been replaced as a matter of urgency .Total cost €5,3642.20

An additional €7,264 has been paid to Skyline Roofers for their work on the North East Flat Roof Area of the church as well as €4,142 recent repairs to Day chapel roof. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Contributions always welcome!


Golden Jubilee of the Holy Family Parish Church 1973 – 2023 - Holy Family Church was dedicated 50 years ago this year. Archbishop Farrell has accepted to celebrate Mass in thanksgiving   on Sunday at 11.00 a.m. 1st October. Mass will be at 9.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m. only on 1st October. Refreshments will be available after the 11.00 a.m. Mass. All are welcome.


Summer Dues- Envelopes for Summer Dues are available on the tables near the church doors.

Christmas, Easter & Summer Dues, with the first

collection at Mass, support of the priests of the

diocese. Contributed to date € 2,515

Thank you for your kind generosity.


Family Mass 12 Noon -Sundays. Children are encouraged to take an active part in this Mass through reading, singing, and drama. Children preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation are encouraged to take part. Practice for this family Mass takes place at 11.15 a.m. each Sunday prior to the Mass. Thank you.


The Annual Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes -7th -12th September 2023 will resume taking sick pilgrims. If interested, kindly contact the Parish Office. You may enrol as an Associate Member at the church shop on Sunday mornings.

The SVP collection last weekend amounted to €1,795. Thank you for your kind generosity.”


Mass for Peace- Medjugorje Prayer Group invite you to a Mass in honour of Our Lady Queen of Peace in the chapel of the Divine Master at 8.00 p.m. on Thursday 27 July 2023. Rosary at 7.30 p.m.


Know your Faith – Come to Pathways: Exploring Faith and Ministry Applications are now open for the next intake of participants for Pathways. The programme, run by the Dublin Archdiocese, begins in DCU St. Patrick’s Campus, Upper Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9, on Thursday, September 28 (7 p.m. – 9.30 pm). Places are limited so early application is advised. Pathways is a two-year, one-evening-a-week course for adults of all ages who wish to explore their faith. It runs from late September to May each year. There are no exams and no written work. The only requirement is an openness to listening to others and to participate. You can just come along and enjoy! The cost is €400 for the coming year which may be paid in instalments.  Some sponsorship may be available for those of limited means. Places are limited.

For more information, please visit or contact Eileen Houlahan, CHF, PhD, Director, Pathways Programme at 01 8087594
