Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle A - All welcome

Prayers + Readings for Sunday 5th February 2023 page 90 in the St. Paul Sunday Missal Cycle A - Sunday Masses may be viewed on the webcam webcam

Parish Office phone 01 284 5299 -


Mission Statement - Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, and building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.

Your prayers are requested for Aideen McKeever and Jason O’Connor recently deceased, and for Andy Hudson & Sr. Hyacinth Hudson F.M.S.A, and Larry & Sadie O’Gorman whose anniversaries occur around this time.


February 2023- Mass times and intentions

Saturday 4 February 2023

10 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intentions

5 p.m. – Brendan McGrane-anniversary

Frank Callaghan-1st anniversary

Ann Kelly- recently deceased

Sunday 5 February 2023

9 a.m. – Parishioners’ intentions

10.30. a.m.- Carmel Doyle- anniversary

Marian Lynch-recently deceased

Jimmy Rabbitte- recently deceased

12.00 noon- Syl Kearney-anniversary

Philomena Murphy- month’s mind

Frank Murphy- anniversary

 Monday 6 February 2023

10.00 a.m.- Holy Souls & Special intention

Mass bouquet for 2 intentions

Michael Burke- recently deceased

Sheila McCabe- recently deceased

Tuesday 7 February 2023

10.00 a.m. Deceased members of the Magahy family & Margaret Mahagy

Special intention

The Holy Souls

Wednesday 8 February 2023

10.00 a.m.- Parishioners’ intentions

Thursday 9 February 2023

10.00 a.m. -Rosaleen Dignam - recently deceased

Special intention

Fiona O’Reilly- R.I.P.

Friday 10 February 2023

10.00 a.m. – Rosaleen Dignam- recently deceased

Family Mass 12 Noon Mass on Sundays. Children are encouraged to take an active part in this Mass through reading, singing, and drama. Children preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation are encouraged to take part. Practice for this family Mass takes place at 11.15 a.m. each Sunday prior to the Mass. Thank you.

Liturgy Team meets at 3.00 p.m. Thurs. 9 February

Building Hope Established by Archbishop Farrell to involve groups of nearby parishes working in partnership e.g., Mass times & sharing of activities. The partnership of parishes: - Foxrock, Newtownpark Avenue, Blackrock, Monkstown, Kill O’ the Grange. You will be kept updated on developments affecting the parish going forward.

Church Heating Costs

10 a.m. Mass from Monday to Saturday inclusive is in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel to help reduce heating costs (gas) due to the huge increase of gas costs (1 December 2022 to 4 January 2023 €4,744.52).

Electric Thermal Radiators have been installed in the Blessed Sacrament chapel for your comfort during 10.00 a.m. weekday morning Mass (cost € 2,500 approx.). Donations are invited. Outside of weekday morning Masses, the other Masses will be in the Main Church. Thank you for your donations towards the heating costs as well as for your patience.

Church upkeep, including the heating costs, is solely funded from the voluntary family offerings & the standing orders & donations put into the blue box. Thank you for your generosity.

Review of Parish Income- Expenditure during the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 is available on the Newsletter page of the parish website.

Saturday 11th February - Our Lady of Lourdes- World Day of the Sick. 5.30 p.m. a bus will leave from outside Holy Family Church for Mass & torchlight procession at Mary Immaculate Church, Inchicore. Contact Maria Monaghan at 0863576374 for details.

The annual collection for Accord Dublin, the Diocesan Agency for Marriage and the Family, will be made at Masses next weekend February 11 and 12. Accord offers Marriage Preparation & other courses.

KNOCK PILGRIMAGE-Date for your diary: The 2023 Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock, which will be led by Archbishop Farrell, will take place on Saturday, April 29. email 

Christmas dues €7,915 contributed to date.

Building Hope through God’s Word - Saturday, February 11, 10 am to 1 pm at St Paul’s Centre for Mission & Ministry, Arran Quay. A morning workshop for those leading Adult Faith Sharing Groups and Children’s Liturgy. This will help you to grow in confidence. It’s an opportunity to explore Lenten resources and how to use them in your parish community. To register email indicating your area of interest.

Ash Wednesday- 22 February 2023 - Day of Fast & Abstinence- Lent begins.  Mass at 10.00 a.m. & 7.00 p.m. on Ash Wednesday. Day of Fast and Abstinence.