NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 30th October 2022

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Mission Statement

 Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, and building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives. Ceremonies are available on the parish webcam.


Prayers + Readings on page 374 St. Paul Sunday Missal 2022 Cycle C

All Saints 31/ 1 November 2022- Holy Day

Monday 31 October 2022- Vigil Mass 7.00p.m.  

Tuesday 1st November Mass – All Saints 10.00 p.m. Page 378 St. Paul Sunday Missal Cycle C


Your prayers are requested for the souls of Sue Davis and Fr. Cecil Johnston who died recently, and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time.



October and November Mass times and intentions

Saturday 29 October`

10 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intentions

5 p.m. – Hugh Winters- anniversary

Jim O’Callaghan - anniversary

Eileen Byrne - month’s mind

Henry Hobbs -anniversary


Sunday 30 October 2022

9 a.m. – Parishioners’ Intentions


10.30. a.m. – Finbar Healy- recently deceased

Seamus  O’Byrne & Seamus O’Connor- recently deceased

Jenny O’Neill - recently deceased

Marion Crossan – anniversary


12.00 noon – Mary & Gerry McGeough- anniversary

Jenny O’Neill - recently deceased

Danny Gallagher - recently deceased

Tim Lacey - anniversary & Jenny O’Neill- recently deceased


Monday 31 October

10.00 am - Ann Thornbury- month’s mind

Special Intention

Special Intention

Sue Walkden – recently deceased

7.00 p.m.  (Vigil of All Saints)

Phil Bourke - recently deceased

Brendan Turner - recently deceased

Special Intention

Mary Dunne - recently deceased


Tuesday 1 November 2022 (All Saints Day)

10.00 a.m. Parishioners’ Intentions


Wednesday 2 November 2022 (All Souls)

10.00 a.m. – Special Intention

Jenny O’Neill- recently deceased

Special Intention


Thursday 3 November 2022

10.00 a.m. Altar List of the Dead


Friday 4 November 2022

10.00 a.m. – Altar List of the Dead


Last Sunday - World Mission Sunday. - Collection for support of Catholic Missionary activities and missionaries raised € 1,500. Thank you.


Family Mass 12 Noon Mass on Sundays. Children are encouraged to take an active part in this Mass through reading, singing, and drama. Children preparing for the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation are encouraged to take part. Practice for this family Mass takes place at 11.15 am each Sunday prior to the Mass.

If interested in joining a Parish ministry, please contact one of the parish clergy.

Altar List of the Dead- November 2022November- the month of the Holy Souls - we remember our dear departed and pray for them. Mass is offered for those on the Altar List on the First Friday of each month. Envelopes & Lists are available on the tables near the church doors and may be filled in & then returned to the church safe or to Parish Office.  The annual Mass to commemorate those whose funerals were held at Holy Family Parish Church during the year up to the 22nd October 2022 will be celebrated at 7.30 p.m. Monday 7th November 2022.


Diocesan Collections x 2-The First Collection at Mass on Sundays/ Holidays, along with Christmas, Easter & Summer Dues, is a diocesan collection for the support of the priests of the parishes and for the sick and retired priests of the Dublin Diocese. It is known as the “Common Fund”.

The Second Collection known as “Share” is a diocesan collection and that supports the diocesan central services, and diocesan pastoral services as well as subsidising diocesan/ parish projects. The Share collection may be replaced by a special diocesan collection as announced. Alternative Option, you might like to use the Tap & Go devices in the church for the 1st & 2nd Collections. All tap & go donations are divided 60% Common fund & 40% Share.

Parish Support Fund- weekly donations-Your weekly 

donations (Voluntary Family Offering) are vital for the

running expenses of the Parish. Parish upkeep depends on

your contributions to this fund. The box on the

table near the doors is available for contributions.

Standing Order Forms are available on the tables near the

church door. if you would like to fill in one and return it to

the office/ safe in the church when convenient. You have

been very generous with your contributions to the parish

upkeep fund. Thank you.


Catechism of the Catholic Church (contd.)

The objective of the Catechism is to teach the truth of the deposits of faith handed down from the Apostles. One’s subjective reasoning on the faith of the Church today should be informed by this reality.

Pope St. John Paul ii- “the deposits of faith is the mission which the Lord entrusted to his Church and which she fulfills in every age,” and it is in the grace of these deposits of faith that she offers her children the Catechism of the Catholic Church, so that they may grow in the love and knowledge of the one true God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Catechism outlines points of doctrine touching on

Fundamental theology, liturgies morals, and prayer deepen our faith in the Twelve Articles of Faith, the Seven Sacraments, the Ten Commandments, and the Seven petitions of the Our Father. Its primary focus is on what God has done for us and what we ought to do in return.

We hope that this short synopsis of the Catechism will encourage you the reader to hear the Lord as he says, I am the Lord, I speak the Truth, I proclaim what is right (Isaiah,45).

May you draw near to Jesus Christ as he proclaims his truth evident in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.