Fifteenth SUNDAY IN Ordinary Time

Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.


Ceremonies available on parish webcam.

Prayers +Readings on page 304 St. Paul Sunday Missal 2022 Cycle C


Your prayers are requested for the souls of Veronica Cassidy recently deceased and for Sean Holahan whose anniversary occurs around this time.



July 2022 Mass times and intentions

Saturday9 July 2022

10 a.m. – Celebrant’s Intentions

5p.m. – Catherine Burke- anniversary

Aidan McCarthy- recently deceased

Breda O’Brien- recently deceased

Clare Gormley- anniversary

Sunday 10 July 2022

9.00 a.m.  Parishioners’ intentions

10.30 a.m. –David Keane- recently deceased

 John May recently deceased

 Breda O’Brien recently deceased

 12 noon – Richard Egan- anniversary also Sean Egan, Pauline & John Egan- R.I.P.

John & Mary Quaid- R.I.P.

Tony & Dermot Payne- R.I.P.

David Keane- recently deceased

Rosaleen Ryan - anniversary

Monday 11 July 2022

10 a.m.- David Keane- R.I.P.

Sr. Noreen Long- R.I.P.

Anna Murphy- R.I.P.

Special intention

Tuesday 12 July 2022

10 a.m. -Sean Boylan- anniversary

Muireann Collier- recently deceased

Special intention

Wednesday 13 July 2022

10 a.m. – Special intention

Thursday 14 July 2022

10 a.m. Celebrant’s intentions

Friday 15 July 2022

10.00 a.m. – Des Kavanagh- 7th anniversary


Peter’s Pence Annual Collection for the Pope’s charities last weekend 2/3 July raised € 1910        Thank you


Summer Dues 2022.

Envelopes for the Summer Dues Collection are available near the exits in the church. You may return the envelope with your Summer dues donation into the big safe in the church west aisle or at the parish office. Thank you


Special Notice- Roof Repairs & General Maintenance

With the commencement of the church roof repairs to rectify the water leaks and general maintenance, additional work has been uncovered increasing the initially anticipated costs considerably. Due to lack of available funds to cover these additional costs, some of this work must be deferred, with the more immediate and essential repairs requiring completion, in order to avoid further deterioration of the roof and associated increase in costs.

Repair costs were initially estimated at € 41,000, with final costs amounting to € 74, 506. This cost together with a previous bill of € 64,000 for heating repairs, has totally wiped out all the parish contingency fund, leaving a short fall of € 15,000 to meet our current liabilities for the roof repairs. The only available funds to meet this shortfall is the day-to- day parish account which covers the everyday housekeeping bills of wages ,heating, lighting, insurance etc. As this account is just about meeting ongoing parish expenditure, the now depleted account urgently requires to be refunded.

Your generosity in these times of financial difficulty with your overall response to appeals for special donations for the heating and roof repairs  is very much appreciated.  To date, €8,770 has been donated for the roof repair fund. Given the perilous condition of the overall parish finances, your continued support is very much needed and welcome. One immediate area of financial assistance, if not already addressed, is the completion of  form CH4 for tax relief for donations to the parish as an eligible charity. Forms are available at the back of the church and on completion can be left in at the Resource Centre office or in the safe at the west side of the church ( Bakers Pub ). There are also other areas of the church and its grounds requiring attention, including car park resurfacing, painting of buildings, replacement of two defective doors. There is a pending expected expenditure of more than € 200,000.

To fund the parish into the future, the Finance Committee is reviewing all possible revenue streams such as a fund-raising campaign, corporate donations etc. with further announcements to be made on this matter. Any assistance in this regard is welcome. From the Parish Finance Committee meeting 5th July 2022

St. Vincent de Paul next church door collection will be held on 16th/17th July.