NEWSLETTER SUNDAY 6th March 2022  



 Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.


Prayers + Readings on page 122   

St. Paul Sunday Missal 2022 cycle c


Your prayers are requested for the soul of Bob Cassidy & Fr. John O’Connell P.E. Holy Redeemer Bray, recently deceased and for Denis Bree, Mary & Seamus Carroll whose anniversaries occurs around this time, MAY THE SOULS OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE    MERCY OF GOD REST IN PEACE. AMEN.


March Mass times and intentions

Saturday 5th March 2022

10 am – Celebrants Intentions

4.30 pm – Catherine & Hannah Byrne Anniversary

                   Louis Caffrey & John McDonnell Anniversary

                  Eileen Dalton Rec. Deceased

                  Ann English Rec. Deceased

 6 pm –    Eileen Dalton Rec. Deceased

                  Paul Morrissey Rec. Deceased

                  Michael Whiston Rec. Deceased

                  Michael O’Sullivan Anniversary


Sunday 6th March 2022

9 am –   Parishioners Intentions

 10.30 am – Celebrants Intentions

12 noon –   John & Sarah Kavanagh Anniversary

                     Elizabeth, Michael & Anthony Ball R.I.P.

                     Pearl Fennell 1st Anniversary

                     Kathleen & Des Adams Anniversary

                     Lily & Billy Nolan Anniversary


 Monday 7th March 2022

10 am –   Anna Browne Rec. Deceased

                  Special Intention

                  Ann English Rec. Deceased


Tuesday 8th March 2022

10 am – Denis Bree Anniversary

               Special Intention

               Ann English Rec. Deceased


  Wednesday 9th March 2022

10 am – Celebrants Intentions


Thursday 10th March 2022

10 am –   Celebrants Intentions


Friday 11th March 2022

10 am – Maureen McNamee Anniversary

                Fergal Clarke Rec. Deceased



Rev. Joe Keegan was ordained to the priesthood at Cabra West at 3.00 p.m. on Sunday 20th February.

Fr. Joe did attend Holy Family Parish some years ago. Fr. Joe will celebrate Mass here at 10.30 a.m. on Sunday 6th March 2022.

Refreshments will be available immediately after Mass in the Parish Resource Centre for all. Let us pray for Fr. Joe in the exercise of the priestly ministry in the diocese.



17 to 26 August 2022

Contact – Valerie Somers 01-2895485

Spiritual Director: Fr. John Killeen


“In the one People of God, therefore, let us journey together, in order to experience a church that receives and lives this gift of unity and is open to the voice of the Spirit” – Pope Francis

“Pope Francis   is offering us a way of being a church the Synod Pathway of walking more closely and being a church that is hope filled despite many challenges” – Archbishop Dermot Farrell

Preparation for the Synod is underway at Holy Family Parish and the animators nominated by the PPC will speak about the Synod to congregations at Masses on 19/20 February and 05/06 March.

Invitation cards to the meetings (in preparation for the Synod) are available.




As part of our preparations for the celebration of Easter, we will pray the Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 7 pm in the Church, beginning on Friday 4th March 2022.



Lent began on Ash Wednesday 2nd March and continues for the next forty days and will be followed by Holy Week and Eastertide.

The blessed ashes on Ash Wednesday are intended to remind us of our mortality and of our need for conversion through repentance and commitment to the way of the Gospel.