Newsletter Sunday 12 December 2021 – Third Sunday of Advent


Your prayers are requested for the souls of Patrick O’Connor and William O’Callaghan, recently deceased and for those whose anniversary occurs around this time, MAY THE SOULS OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD REST IN PEACE. AMEN.


Prayers + Readings on page 416, St. Paul Sunday Missal


Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.


December Mass times and intentions

Saturday 11 December

10 am – Celebrant’s Intentions

4.30 pm - Celebrant’s Intentions

6 pm – Christine Ryan, Anniversary

Thomas (Tom) Hassett, Recently Deceased

Thomas Moore, Recently Deceased

Dermot Homan, Anniversary


Sunday 12 December

9 am – Boby + Ethel Tracey, R.I.P.

Paudie Stafford, Anniversary

10.30 am – Deceased Members of Kelly family

Kevin O’Donnell, R.I.P.

John F. Neilan, R.I.P. Sheila Collier, R.I.P.

Catherine Lenihane, R.I.P.

12 noon – Tony Dermot, Brendan Payne plus Susan Payne, Anniversary

Marie Crimmins, 1st Anniversary

Liam Keane, R.I.P.

Larry O’Toole, Anniversary and Pat O’Connor, R.I.P.


Monday 13 December

10 am – Holy Souls

Special Intention

Special Intention


Tuesday 14 December

10 am – Advent Triduum Mass Intention


Wednesday 15 December

10 am – Advent Triduum Mass Intention

7 pm - Evening Prayer


Thursday 16 December

10 am – Advent Triduum Mass Intention


Friday 17 December

Patrick Griffin, Anniversary, Holy Souls and Phyllis Noctor, Anniversary.


Parish Newsletter Sunday 12 December 2021

Gaudete Sunday

Today is also known as “Gaudete Sunday” meaning “rejoice”.  The entrance antiphon today begins with “Rejoice in the Lord always”.  The vestments worn are rose–coloured, as is the 3rd Advent wreath candle.   This is an inter mission of joy during the penitential season of Advent.


Season of Advent

Evening Prayer continues at 7 p.m. Wednesday 15th and 22nd December 2021.

It has been decided to control attendance at the Masses on Christmas Eve / Day by tickets. 

Christmas Eve, 4.30 p.m., 6.00 p.m., and 8.00 p.m.

Christmas Day, 9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m. and 12 noon

The tickets will be available after each Mass this weekend Saturday at 4.30 p.m., 6.00 p.m.; Sunday at 9.00 a.m., 10.30 a.m., and 12.00 noon on Saturday/Sunday 11/12 December.


This is in the interest of health and safety and in compliance with the social distancing restriction.  It is a pity that more people cannot be accommodated in the Church during the Christmas Masses.


St. Vincent de Paul Society

The annual collection in support of the funds of St. Vincent de Paul Society takes place this weekend (11/12 December).  A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Conference will speak to the congregations at Mass this weekend.


Christmas Card / Dues Envelope

Grateful thanks to those who packed the Christmas envelopes as well as those who so kindly undertook their distribution to homes in the parish.  Thank you for your time and efforts.  Envelopes are available at the back of the Church.  The Christmas Dues return envelope may be left in at the Parish Office / the big safe in the Church / the Priest’s house.  Some Christmas envelopes still remain to be distributed.


Common Fund, Share, and Christmas Dues

Thank you for your continuing support of the Common Fund / Priests collection, the Share Fund / Diocesan Services, and the Voluntary Family Offering for Church Maintenance.

The Green Bucket – Common Fund Collection

The Red Bucket – Share

The Blue Bucket – Voluntary Family Offering

on the tables near the Church doors (Anti-Covid 19 regulations).  These funds are essential for the support of the parish and the diocese.  Thank you for your kind generosity upon which the parish depends.


Church Volunteer Cleaners

Thanks to parishioners who have so ably assisted in the cleaning of the Church and its grounds thanks to all our volunteers in these challenging times and thanks to all our volunteers.