World Mission Sunday 18th October 2020


  1. World Mission Sunday 2020 is scheduled for the weekend 17/18 October 2020.


  1. Under normal circumstances, there would be a collection for the Catholic Missions worldwide replacing the usual Share Collection on the weekend 17/18 October 2020.


  1. Because of the Covid-19 restrictions on a public presence in Churches, Church collections have to be done in a different way – by means of the envelopes that are left on the table near the Church doors, and on the table in the Resource Centre / Parish Hall.


  1. It would be a pity if the parish was unable to help the Missions. I have left some small envelopes for World Missions Ireland on these tables.  You might like to take an envelope and put a donation into it.  You may return the envelope and donation through the parish office, or in through the letterbox opening in the Priest’s house (no. 2)


  1. The same applies to the other funds/collections

Common Fund (Priests)

Share Fund

Voluntary Family Offering


Further Information on Funds

The Diocese Finance Secretariate report that there has bee a decline in the income from the 2 Collections over the past six months as follows: -


The Common Fund (Priests)     68%

Share Fund                                75%                     


This lack of income seriously compromises the work of the funds in supporting both the priests and the work of the diocese.


The “Voluntary Family Offering “which supports the upkeep of the parish is still barely holding its own enabling the wages of the employees, the insurance and the utility bills to be paid, mainly due to the standing order and the envelope contributions.


Thank you for your continuing generosity.