The necessary changes on signage and blocking off the two sides to make 3 distinct zones in keeping with the new Public Gathering guidelines have been implemented.
- The two side zones have been blocked off from the centre zone with permanent obstructions alongside the 4 shrines, with the centre entrances by way of a blue rope that is suspended on a hook to facilitate easy movement from one zone to another should it be urgently required.
- The centre zone will now have to be accessed through the back doors. (doors nearest the road), the signage has been changed to direct people in and exit through the same doors as they entered.
- It is important to communicate to all stewards that a door to the two sides will continue to be opened and at least one rear door will have to be opened to facilitate access to the third separate individual zone.
- People must not move from one zone to another within the confines of the church, if the side zones are full, the stewards must redirect people to the rear doors to take up a seat in the centre zone area which also includes the hospitality area.
- Given the extra capacity available now, certainly, for weekday masses we have more than sufficient spaces to meet the demand, this will lessen the burden of stewarding once mass attendees are fully informed on the need to enter the church by Zone Specific entrances.
- As agreed, the need for Sunday Mass ticketing should be suspended for the moment until we have a better understanding of Mass attendances over the coming weekend. We will complete a headcount for each Mass to confirm numbers against the church’s capacity of approx. 100 or more if single places are occupied by 2 family members.