Resumption of Mass Saturday and Sunday 4/5 July 2020


At a meeting on Monday, 29th June 2020 the Feast day of Saints Peter and Paul, the Parish Pastoral  Council, and the Administrator have decided to recommend the resumption (experimentally) of the public celebration of Mass on Sundays/vigil, circumstances permitting as follows:- Saturday vigil of Sunday 4.30 p.m. and  6.00 p.m.

Sunday  9.00 a.m.,10.30 a.m. and 12.00 noon. This is in addition to the daily Mass at 10.a.m. on Weekdays. There will no Mass at 7.00 p.m. on weekdays until further notice


The church will open 20 minutes before Mass.


The maximum capacity of attendance remains at 50 people including the priest, deacon, sacristan, readers, ministers, stewards, cleaners, musicians, etc.


  1. 50 is a small number of attendees and not all who might like to be present may be able to be at Mass due to the present limitation. The PPC to ensure fairness has approved the following 
  2. Admission to Sunday Mass and Sat vigil Mass will be regulated by ticket only. The ticket system is a fair and structured alternative to our not opening the church at all.
  3. Tickets are available for collection at the Parish Office between 10.30 a.m. & 11.30 a.m. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.
  4. Each ticket is specific to a particular Mass only.
  5. Month’s Mind & Anniversary Mass (announced in church) having regard to the limitation of 50 persons in the church at any one Mass, three (3) tickets only will be reserved for those who wish to attend their loved one’s month’s mind Mass and two (2) tickets only will be reserved for the anniversary Mass. When the number of those allowed into the Church is increased, then the number of tickets will be increased proportionately.
  6. As there will be no Mass at 7.00 p.m. on weekdays (Monday - Friday), intentions may be arranged at the parish office for the 10.00 a.m. Mass (Monday to Friday).
  7. Funeral Mass will be at 11.00 a.m. for the time being.
  8. On coming to the church for Mass, you are requested to hand your ticket to a steward at the door as well as to co-operate by following the guidance of the stewards for everyone’s safety.

In facing these challenges, let us pray, invoking the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Mother of God in these troubled and anxious times.