29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Payers & Readings on page 367


Parish Mission Statement

Our Parish seeks to live as a family – supporting one another, open to all comers, building a community where each person feels wanted and cared for. To make this happen, we will work to grow in holiness through prayer and service and we will try to show God’s love in our daily lives.



New Altar Servers welcome

Boys and Girls who have made their first Holy Communion are very welcome to join the Altar Servers Group.

Please speak to Deacon John or leave your name and contact details in the sacristy or Parish Office.



ALTAR LIST OF THE DEAD – November 2019

Envelopes for the November Altar List of the Dead are available in the Church. Those whose names are on the Altar list are especially remembered at Masses on the First Friday of each month.



Your prayers are requested for the soul of Fr. Frank O’Malley recently deceased and also for the soul whose anniversary occurs about this time:


October Mass times & Intentions

Sat 19

6.00 pm





Michael O’Keeffe (Rec Dec)

Special Intention

Marion Long (Anniv)

Mary McGeough (Anniv)

Michael Hogan (Anniv)

Sun 20

9.00 am


10.30 am


Terry + Reg Myles (Anniv)

James Brady (Anniv)

12 noon

Guillermo Saruda (Rec Dec)

Mon 21

7.00 pm

Michael Waters (Anniv)

Tue 22

7.00 pm



Michael O’Flynn (Rec Dec)

Kay Seery (Anniv

Paddy + Annie Darcy

Wed 23


10 am Mass only

Thu 24

7.00 pm


Fri 25

7.00 pm

Parishioners intentions



World Mission Sunday 20th October 2019

This weekend the annual collection for Catholic Missions throughout the world takes place this weekend replacing the usual “Share” Collection.  Your generous support will help all the missionaries, particularly those working in difficult conditions. Thank you.


Mass for the Deceased

Holy Mass will be offered at 7.30 pm on Monday 4th November 2019 for the people whose funerals took place at this Church from late October 2018 to late October 2019.  We extend a warm welcome to the families of the deceased, their relatives, their friends, neighbours, and former colleagues. Light refreshment offered.


Sean O Kiersey would like to thank everybody who attended or supported our
Hospice Coffee Morning. 
We expect the total to be over €2,740 for the




The Extraordinary Month of Mission Prayer

Heavenly Father,

When your only begotten

Son Jesus Christ rose from the dead,

he commissioned his followers to

‘go and make disciples of all nations’

and you remind us that through our

Baptism we are made sharers in

the mission of the Church.

Empower us by the gifts of

The Holy Spirit to be

courageous and zealous

in bearing witness to the Gospel,

so that the mission entrusted

to the Church, which

is still very far from completion,

may find new and efficacious

expressions that bring life and light

to the world

Help us make it possible for

all peoples to experience the saving

love and mercy of Jesus Christ,

who lives and reigns with you

in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

One God, forever and ever. Amen