Newsletter 11th/12th May, 2019

Fourth Sunday of Easter


This weekend 11th/12th May, we celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday when we reflect on the importance of the ministerial priesthood and on prayer for vocations to the priesthood.  This is an urgent call for the future of our diocese.

There will be no special collection today as it is - with the smaller number of seminarians - the funds collected over the past years are sufficient for the near future.

Pope Francis says that there can be no greater joy than to risk one’s life for the Lord! He encourages us, especially the young, not to be deaf to the Lord’s call.   ‘If he calls you to follow his path, do not pull your oars into the boat, but trust him.  Do not yield to fear, which paralyses us before the great heights to which the Lord points us.

Next weekend, 18th /19th May, a new collection which will be called the Ministry Sunday Collection will be held.

This new annual collection will replace the Share Collection (on that weekend) and will be devoted to support the building up of new forms of lay ministry for parishes. 

The work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus in our changing religious culture will require more lay men and women working in various ways alongside priests in parishes.

The Ministry Sunday Collection is about ensuring that we will have the people we need - men and women who will be to the fore in making our parishes vibrant faith communities into the future.

While many volunteers will be involved, the diocese plans to equip and train leaders and provide facilities for formation. We want to work towards a situation where all parishes in this Archdiocese benefit from their gifts and expertise. The new collection is a step in that process.



Service of Light: 7.30 pm Wednesday 16th May, 2019

Confirmation: 11.30 am; Saturday 18th May, 2019

We pray for the children who will receive the sacrament of Confirmation in this Parish and we pray for their families


St Vincent de Paul Clothing Appeal is for

  • Clean, good quality clothes, bed clothes, curtains, shoes etc.
  • BAGS will be available at the doors on
    Sat / Sun 18th / 19th May.
  • The society will collect bags outside the Church on Sat / Sun 25th /26th May. USE OF PARISH FACILITIES OUTSIDE OF NORMAL TIMES OF USE

Those (non-parish groups ) who may wish to use facilities in Holy Family Parish (either the church and parish centre)  for once off event  outside of the normal opening times are invited to apply to the Parish Office during working hours where they will be given an application  form to complete in accordance with the diocesan policy for the use of diocesan / parish premises. Please note that the legal requirements for safeguarding, health and safety and GDPR, as well as relevant diocesan regulations, shall in all circumstances apply.
Michael O’Connor , Adm.



Your prayers are requested for the souls of those

recently deceased and also for the souls of those whose anniversaries occur about this time:



May Mass times & Intentions

Sat 11

6.00 pm

Ann Flanagan (Month’s mind)

Sun 12

9.00 am


10.30 am

Kathleen & William Morris (Anniv)

12 noon


Maura Lewins (Anniv)

Matthew Beatty (Anniv)

Mon 13

7.00 pm

Janet O’Sullivan (Recently deceased)

Tue 14

7.00 pm

Fr John & Mike Flanagan (Anniv)

Wed 15

7.00 pm

Special Intentions

Thu 16

7.00 pm


Fri 17

7.00 pm

Intentions of Parish

EDEL QUINN – Legion of Mary

You are invited to a Mass in St Patrick’s Church Monkstown on Monday 13th May @ 7.30 pm to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the death of Edel Quinn in May 1944.

Edel was a Legion of Mary Envoy.

She died in Kenya and is buried in Nairobi.



Thursday 29th August to 5th September

Enquiries from Group leader Valerie Somers 01-298-5485; 087-990-8840 Spiritual Director Fr John Killeen


300 Club Draw     -       Week 8     - 5/5/19


Eamon Hudson

€ 100


P & C Gregan

€ 50


Eva Byrne

€ 30


Tony Thornberry
